
Can I Sell a Home On Behalf of My Aging Parents?

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Navigating the real estate world can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to selling a home on behalf of your aging parents. This blog post aims to shed light on the essential steps and legal aspects involved in such transactions, providing you with the knowledge you need to handle the process confidently.

The Initial Steps

Embarking on the journey of selling your aging parents’ home? The first critical steps involve understanding the extent of your authority and the legal parameters within which you can act.

Can You Sell Your Parents’ Home?

One of the most frequent questions we encounter is, “Can a son or daughter sell a home for their aging parents?” The simple answer is, yes. However, this transaction needs to follow certain legal parameters, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and according to the law.

The Necessity of Legal Instruments

To sell a home on behalf of your aging parents, there must be a legal instrument in place. This document acknowledges your parents as the lawful owners of the house and gives you, as their son or daughter, the authorization to sell the property.

The Intricacies of Legal Instruments

Navigating the legal landscape can be challenging when you’re selling a home on behalf of your parents. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of the necessary legal instruments that empower you to act confidently and legally.

Court Motions and Determination of Descent

Depending on the situation, you might need to go through court motions. If one of the parents has passed away, for instance, and you wish to sell the home, a determination of descent may be required.

This legal process essentially verifies you as a descendant and hence a potential heir to the property. Navigating these legal waters can be complex, but with our experienced real estate attorneys, we can guide you every step of the way.

Power of Attorney

Another important instrument you might need is a Power of Attorney (POA). Contrary to common belief, there are various levels of POA, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a broad-stroke one. You can have a POA specific to the real estate in question, which can be extended to include other assets like house contents or vehicles if needed.

The Selling Process

Once you’ve established your legal authority, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of the selling process. Here’s how to organize all the elements to ensure a smooth, efficient, and legally compliant sale.

Ensuring All Instruments Are in Place

Before assessing the property or determining a selling price, it’s critical to have all the necessary legal instruments in place. This ensures a smoother selling process and guarantees the legal transfer of title from your parents to the buyer.

The Guarantee of a Warranted Closing

At KC Property Guys, we promise a guaranteed and warranted closing. What this means is, we cover the cost for a professional closing to protect both parties involved in the transaction. You can be assured of selling a clean title, with no legal repercussions down the line.

The Closing Day

Reaching the closing day of the home sale is like crossing the finish line in a marathon. Let’s explore how to ensure a clean, seamless transfer of the property and equity, tying up all loose ends with confidence and peace of mind.

Ensuring Clean Titles and Equitable Transactions

On the day of closing, our team will ensure a seamless transaction. We’ll work with a closing company to legally warrant and guarantee the sale. This way, your parents will receive the equity directly to their nominated accounts, giving them the financial security they need in their golden years.

Navigating State-Specific Regulations

State-specific regulations can impact the sale of your parents’ home. We’re equipped to help you navigate these varying requirements, ensuring you’re able to provide a clean title and sell the home irrespective of which side of the state line you’re on.


Regardless of the complexities involved in selling a home on behalf of your aging parents, having the right support and advice can simplify the process immensely. At KC Property Guys, we’re dedicated to guiding you through every step of this journey, ensuring a seamless and efficient transaction.

Ready to take the first step towards selling your parents’ home? Don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance tailored to your unique situation.


Eric Scheele

Owner & CEO