
How to Sell a House in Major Disrepair Fast

house in major disrepair

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Selling a house is already a daunting task, but when your home has major disrepair issues? It can feel like an impossible to sell it quickly. I know because I’ve been there.

When my grandmother passed, I was left with her old house that needed a major disrepair such as roof damage, black molds, foundation problems, and outdated electrical wiring. I thought I’d never be able to sell it. But here’s the thing: you can sell a house fast with major disrepair. You just need to have a strategic approach, hard work and a whole lot of patience.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process, share some my real life experiences on selling a house with major disrepair, and help you get that house sold, no matter what shape it’s in. Ready to dive in? Keep reading.

Understanding the Challenges of Selling a House with Major Disrepair

Selling a house with major disrepair can be a daunting task for any homeowner. The varying levels of disrepair can significantly impact the perceived value of the property, making it challenging to find interested buyers.

Major disrepair homes tend to have varying values of disrepair to each homeowner and realtor. Buyers perceive major disrepair differently than homeowners, which can affect the selling process.

As someone who has personally dealt with selling a home in bad condition, I would say that it’s not an easy journey. Buyers often have a different perspective on what constitutes “major disrepair” compared to the homeowner, which can lead to a disconnect in expectations and pricing.

Key Factors Impacting Home Value in Poor Condition

When it comes to determining the value of a home in disrepair, several key factors come into play. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most significant issues that can impact a home’s selling price.

Roof Damage and Replacement

damaged or aging roof can be a major red flag for potential buyers. Not only does it pose a risk of leaks and further damage, but it also comes with a hefty price tag for replacing outdated roof.

Roof replacements aren’t cheap, with costs clocking in between $5,000 and upwards of $10,000 based on factors like size and material. This hefty investment can scare off potential buyers or push down your home’s market value.

Foundation Issues

Foundation problems are another major concern when it comes to selling a house with major disrepair. Cracks, settling, or other structural issues can be costly to repair and may even require extensive excavation and rebuilding.

Foundation repairs can easily cost upwards of $10,000, depending on the severity of the damage. This can significantly impact the value of your home and make it more difficult to find a buyer willing to take on such a significant project.

Electrical Wiring Problems

Outdated or faulty electrical systems can be a major safety hazard and a significant deterrent for potential buyers. Rewiring a home can be an expensive and time-consuming process, which can negatively impact the value of your property.

In my experience, buyers are often wary of homes with electrical issues, as they can pose a risk of fire or other hazards. Upgrading the electrical system can be a necessary step in making your home more attractive to buyers, but it comes at a cost.

The Role of Real Estate Agents in Selling Homes with Major Repairs

When it comes to selling a home with major disrepair, working with a knowledgeable and professional real estate agent can make a significant difference. An experienced agent can help you navigate the challenges of pricing and marketing your property to attract the right buyers.

Sellers often price homes with major disrepair according to the extent of the disrepair. Buyers may still request additional discounts due to major disrepair, leading to further price reductions.

A skilled agent can help you set a realistic price for your home based on its condition and the current market trends. They can also advise you on any necessary repairs or upgrades that may help increase the value of your property and make it more appealing to potential buyers.

Benefits of Selling a House As-Is

One option for homeowners looking to sell a property with major disrepair is to sell a house as-is.This means putting your home on the market in its as is condition, without making any repairs or upgrades.

Quick Hassle-Free Sale

Selling your home as-is can be a faster and less stressful process compared to investing time and money into repairs. By pricing your home competitively and targeting the right buyers, you may be able to sell your property more quickly and move on to your next chapter.

Avoiding Repair Costs

One of the most significant advantages of selling your home as-is is avoiding the costly repairs and renovations that may be necessary to bring your property up to market standards. This can be especially beneficial if you don’t have the financial means or time to invest in major repairs.

By selling your home as-is, you can save thousands of dollars in repair costs and focus on finding a buyer who is willing to take on the project of fixing up the property themselves.

Working with Real Estate Investors for a Fair Price

Another option for selling a home with major disrepair is to work with real estate investors who specialize in purchasing properties in bad condition. These investors often have the resources and expertise to take on significant repair projects and can offer a fair price for your home.

KC Property guys often encounter homes in need of major disrepair. KC Property guys are a Class C contractor through Johnson County and can handle various levels of construction. KC Property guys also own KCPierre Foundation Company, enabling them to address major foundation issues.

As a homeowner, working with a reputable real estate investor can provide you with a hassle-free selling experience and the peace of mind knowing that your property will be in good hands. KC Property Guys have the knowledge and resources to tackle even the most challenging repair projects, ensuring that your home will be transformed into a beautiful, livable space once again.

Customizing Your Selling Experience

When it comes to selling a home with major disrepair, some companies offer a more personalized approach to meet your specific needs and circumstances. By working with a company that understands the unique challenges of selling a distressed property, you can tailor your selling experience to fit your goals and timeline.

KC Property guys offer a solution by accounting for the disrepair upfront and customizing the selling timing.

Whether you need to sell your home quickly due to financial constraints or you have more flexibility in terms of timing, a customized selling experience can help you achieve your objectives while minimizing stress and uncertainty.

Common Major Disrepair Items Considered by Buyers

When selling a home with major disrepair, it’s essential to understand the typical repair issues that buyers will be looking for and considering in their decision-making process. Some of the most common major disrepair items include:

Plumbing Issues

Imagine finding your dream home, only to discover plumbing problems like leaky faucets or old drains. These issues can cause water damage, leading to expensive repairs. The surprise and worry can be overwhelming, as you face high repair costs and frustration.

New Windows Requirement

Old windows can be a major turnoff for buyers, as they can lead to higher energy bills and reduced comfort. Replacing windows can be a significant expense, which can impact the value of your home and make it less attractive to potential buyers.

Major disrepair items considered by KC Property guys include roof, plumbing, foundation, electrical issues, and new windows.

As a homeowner, it’s important to be aware of these common disrepair items and how they can affect the sale of your property. By working with a knowledgeable real estate professional or investor, you can better understand the impact of these issues and make informed decisions about how to proceed with the sale of your home.

Pricing Strategies for Homes with Major Disrepair

Pricing a home with major disrepair can be a delicate balancing act. You want to set a price that reflects the current condition of your property and attracts buyers who are willing to take on a significant repair project. On the other hand, you don’t want to price your home so low that you leave money on the table.

Homes with major disrepair may experience longer time on the market and become stale listings.

One strategy for pricing a home with major disrepair is to work with a real estate agent who has experience selling distressed properties. They can help you analyze comparable sales in your area and determine a fair price that takes into account the cost of necessary repairs and renovations.

Another option is to price your home competitively and be prepared to negotiate with buyers who may request additional discounts due to the property’s condition. By being flexible and open to negotiation, you may be able to find a buyer who is willing to take on the challenge of fixing up your home.

Legal Obligations When Selling As-Is

When selling a home as-is, it’s crucial to understand your legal obligations as a seller. While you may not be making any repairs or upgrades to the property, you still have certain responsibilities when it comes to disclosing known issues and defects.

Disclosure Requirements

As a seller, you are required to disclose any known material defects or issues with your property. This includes things like structural problems, mold, water damage, and other significant issues that could impact the safety or value of the home.

Failing to disclose known issues can lead to legal consequences down the road, so it’s important to be transparent and honest with potential buyers about the condition of your property.

Buyer’s Rights

Even when purchasing a home as-is, buyers still have certain rights and protections under the law. For example, buyers have the right to hire a professional home inspector to assess the condition of the property and identify any major issues or safety concerns.

If a buyer discovers a significant problem with the home that was not disclosed by the seller, they may have legal recourse to seek compensation or even back out of the sale altogether.

As a seller, it’s important to work with a knowledgeable real estate attorney who can help you navigate the legal complexities of selling a home as-is and ensure that you are meeting your obligations as a seller.

Marketing Strategies for Homes in Poor Condition

Marketing a home with major disrepair requires a different approach than selling a move-in ready property. To attract the right buyers and generate interest in your home, consider the following strategies:

Crafting an Honest Listing Description

When listing your home for sale, it’s important to be honest and upfront about its condition. While you may be tempted to downplay the extent of the repairs needed, this can backfire if buyers feel misled or deceived.

Instead, focus on crafting a listing description that highlights the potential of your home while also being transparent about its current state. Use phrases like “fixer-upper,” “investment opportunity,” or “needs TLC” to signal to buyers that the property will require some work.

Be sure to include plenty of photos that accurately showcase the condition of your home, including any major disrepair items that buyers will need to address.

Targeting Real Estate Investors

One effective strategy for selling a home with major disrepair is to target real estate investors who specialize in buying distressed properties. These investors are often looking for homes that they can purchase at a discount, renovate, and then resell for a profit.

To attract real estate investors, consider marketing your home on platforms like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or local real estate investor groups. You can also work with a real estate agent who has experience working with investors and can help connect you with potential buyers.

By targeting the right audience and being transparent about the condition of your home, you can increase your chances of finding a buyer who is willing to take on the challenge of fixing up your property.

Selling a home with major disrepair can be a challenging and emotional process, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to find a buyer and move on to your next chapter. By understanding the key factors that impact home value, working with experienced professionals, and being transparent about the condition of your property, you can navigate the complexities of selling a distressed home and achieve your goals.

Key Takeaway: Selling a house with major disrepair is tough. Understand the challenges and be transparent about issues like roof damage, foundation problems, or faulty wiring. Consider selling as-is to avoid repair costs or work with real estate investors for a fair price. An experienced agent can help set realistic prices.


Selling a house with major disrepair is no walk in the park, but it’s not impossible either. By understanding the challenges, exploring your options, and being strategic in your approach, you can find the right buyer and get that property off your hands.

Remember, whether you choose to work with a real estate agent, sell as-is, or target real estate investors, there’s a path forward. It might take some time, effort, and a few deep breaths, but you’ve got this.

So, take heart, fellow home seller. You’re not alone in this journey. With the right mindset and a solid plan, you can turn that house with major disrepair into a sold sign and a fresh start. Keep pushing forward, and don’t give up. Your buyer is out there, and you’re one step closer to finding them. Remember, every property has potential; it’s all about presenting it in the right light. If you have any questions, contact us for further assistance.


Eric Scheele

Owner & CEO